Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure #2

First and for most i would like to say thank you to Tom a.k.a. ColbyPants for sending me this fine stogie for me to try out. It was a long wait but i finally got the green light from him to smoke it and smoke it i did.

Size: 4 7/8 x 50 Robusto

Appearance: This cigar is most definitely a pretty one, a beautiful looking wrapper that had absolutely no blemishes or any really noticeable veins. The wrapper was very smooth and oily.

Pre-light: Before I clipped this cigar I ran my nose through out the cigar and it had and that sweet "cuban earth" that I have just grown to enjoy. When it came down to clipping the cigar i used my Xikar and it made quick work of the triple cap that was on top of the cigar. The pre-light draw revealed a nice sweet smooth flavor and it ad a bit of a drag to it but none the less it was great.

Burn/Draw: Right off the bat the draw was great, and burn was alittle off but that was because of my poor lighting. As the cigar progressed the draw remained the same and the burn corrected it self of my wrong doing. The ash was firm, I only tapped off the ash once because it held on pretty well through out. The burn was also great, I never had to so any touch ups.

Flavors: After lighting this cigar, the first couple of puffs were incredible!!! It had a smooth, creaminess to it, almost a mushroomy flavor. It had some notes of sweet spice to it, cinnamon and nutmeg. As I got deeper into the cigar (about an inch and a half in), it had more of a spice factor to it and the cool thing was that the spice didn't linger in my mouth like other cigars. Toward then end of the cigar, it had got more spicy and it still had alittle of the mushroom flavor in it, a real great treat.


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