Thursday, August 23, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Well today is finally over, a long day to say the least but fun as always. I went to Hollywood today to film another segment of my film about the horrible train wreck that is my life....Film is almost done and will be released soon.

Also went to Universal Studios Hollywood and went on the Back to the Future ride (BTTF for short) for the last time, for those who don't know, the Back to the Future ride will be closing it's doors at the end of September and will give way to a Simpson's ride. But the lost of BTTF will effect me for years and years to come.

Also had an all you can eat day at Universal, basically you pay 25 bucks and you get to eat a bunch of crap and as many times you want.....and let me just say this....GO STARVING!!!!! Some how I managed to fit in 4 different restaurants with 8 different combinations of foods...YEESH to say the least.

So if you will excuse me...I need some down time with my friend Rick Springfield...LOL

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