Saturday, March 31, 2007

Oh Emo!



lz6 hit

Man, I do not think I can properly describe my jealousy at the hit lz6 laid on you my friend. A Fucking Casa Fuente?? I could only dream of one, you better write a full page review on that one, NO of all the stogies you got bombed with!

You know owe the man your first born, you realize??



Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Partagas Fall Selection

On first impression this stogie looked and felt like a cigar. The wrapper was smooth, not very toothy and not very vainy. I got this cigar at my local B & M as a i enjoyed the heck out of it. Anyway on with the review.

Pre-draw/Lighting: Clipping this cigar was fairly easy due to it's skinny structure. The pre -draw was a bit on the tight side but it didn't hamper the draw. Lighting was fun, i got to use a triple torch it lit perfectly and i never had to do any touch ups or re-lights

Taste/Flavors: The taste of this stogie was almost chocolaty, it reminded me alot of the Partagas Black Label. The first half of this cigar was differently full bodied and rich in almost a dark chocolate taste. The middle of the cigar was pretty much alot of the same (chocolaty)....i had a flavor that i have come to describe as "a partagas taste" because they all are similar in a way. i enjoyed this cigar very much so that i might even smoke another....if it's for free again.

Overall: 8 1/2

April 1

The Baseball season begins!!!!!!!...but i am torn between 2 of my favorite teams!!!!!
My Dodgers!!!!!.....whom i've been rooting on since i was 7

And my Red Sox.....whom i've rooted ever since i was old enough to HATE THE YANKEES!!!
(also since i was 7)

hopefully they dont play each other

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

RP Connecticut

Okay....This cigar has a nice feel to it and by the first impression i knew that it was going to be a mild one. I personally enjoy smoking RP's because of the quality and construction of the cigars.....well anyways on with the review.

Pre-light/Clipping: Well the clipping was a breeze....i used a normal cutter which was the only one available at my B&M. The pre-light draw so very smooth, creamy, with a little hint of sweetness to it.

lighting/Flavors: Lighting was fairly simple and i never had to touch it up. I had a perfect cone when i dumped the ash(a sign of good construction) and it was a razor sharp burn. I mainly got hints of what tom (colbypants) would describe as tang and faint hints of creaminess. The flavors left me a bit disappointed.......but i would still recommend it to any one looking for a very mild cigar.

Overall: 7 1/2

a plea


Friday, March 23, 2007

Shakey's Buffet

It has become a tradition that pretty much once every month or so, me and a group of people go to shakey's and fest like kings. So today, me and my good friends Victor(better know as Captain Crash) decided that we should head on over to the buffet. Located only about 7 city blocks away from us, we arrived in about 30 minutes. The first round of food included the usual pizza, fried chicken, and potato wedges or MOJO'S. Needless to say...the rest of my plates consisted of these three things...only in more abundant amount. Overall the experience was a great always....even though was we exited the pizza parlor we felt even more sluggish and my heart felt like it was going to explode. A small price to pay to enjoy the artery clogging goodness that is Shakey's.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Montecristo #4

I decided to smoke this fine cigar yesterday and all i can say is WOW!!! Although it is a small looking cigar, i took my time smoking it so i can get the full flavors of the stogie. Clipping the cigar was a breeze and the pre-light draw seems a little tight but never hampered the smoking experience.

Appearance/Lighting: Like i said it is a small cigar, the wrapper was smooth and it wasn't at all vainy. Lighting the cigar wasn't an issue, i simply just toasted the foot until it was a nice golden brown and re-lighting was never an issue with this stogie.

Taste/Flavors: At the beginning of the cigar, i was getting hints of wood and spice but as i got toward the middle....It was simply GREAT. At the middle, the cigar was very creamy and smooth, it was almost sweet to me. This cigar to me was most definitely a mild to medium.

I would recommend to anyone who want to try a Montecristo for the first time


My Score: 9

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


HEY JEEBUS LOOKIE, YOU ARE POPULAR! You have the #2 most popular lifestyle blog on Fuel My Blog. Now give all those fans some content to read GODDAMNIT!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Jessica Alba

pictures are so much better than words.....Thanks Tom

an introduction!

(Rosario Dawson)

Hi! I am TomC, author of The Smoking Lounge, and a friend of King Jeebus. We met through the best online sight for "Brothers of the Leaf", Stogie Chat! He invited me to contribute some content to his blog and every now and then I just might, though I don't want to intrude on his show.

Hope You all enjoy the place!


RP Edge second

On the first impression, this cigar looks and feels like a cigar. It had a rough wrapper and was very vainy. Clipping the cigar was very easy and the pre-light draw seemed a little tight but then again it's a second. the lighting wasn't very hard and it kept a nice even burn, but then it went all down hill. It lacked a major flavor profile and seemed a bit bitter. Although this cigar is a second , i should have been able to get the gist of the flavor of the regular line. I only smoked about 2 to 2 1/2 inches before i said "why waste my breath".

Overall 1-10

My score: 3

Monday, March 19, 2007

La Vieja Habana

I was actually looking forward to this cigar, having never tried anything from Drew Estate i was really curious. The appearence was a good one, it looked very nice and and clipping was extremely easy. The draw was never an issue, but the taste was!!! It wasn't very good and lacked real flavors. I ONLY smoked about an inch and a half before i decided to toss it.

Overall: 2 1/2

Sunday, March 18, 2007

St. Patty's day reunion/party

When i think about a St. Patricks Day Party the first things that come to mind are the color green and BOOZE. But i didn't wear green or consumed a vast amount of was more of a reunion of old friends and the making of new friends at the party hosted at my friends house Oscar. At first the party was an extreme bore!!!!....with only 5 people including myself...but once the friends started to did the memories. Once a good amount of people had arrived, the host Oscar in timely fashion organized the drinks. Having only drunken two shots and two beers i was fine but it was more then just ONE night of fun, it's was the ONE night to re-live, as my friend David would put it "the good times". I mainly spent the time talking to my friends about what they had been up to since our completion of high school. While talking to Manny he told me that he has begun to work but is also attending school, he also reminded me of the time that he called all women over 30 old maids!!!!...and teacher wasn't pleased (she was over 35). I also talked to another friend, Edith, and we automatically began doing what we did in high school...*poke poke poke*....she understands...she also had a bunch of friends whom i can't really place a names on but they were fun to be around. As the night progressed, Oscar the host of the party was trying his best to get everyone to dance but no one moved an inch....and around 11 p.m. the party began to fade (mainly because the booze ended...sorry Jeff), so i decided to start saying my good-bye's. Once the good-bye's were said and the people began to laugh uncontrollably due to intoxication, I began my LENGTHY block and a half walk back home.

Seeing everyone again brought back a piece of me that i thought died at graduation but clearly i was David would say "GOOD TIMES???"....more like great times.

here's a little St Patty's Day saying for all my friends.....

Here's to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold beer—and another one!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

First Blog

well after seeing my friend and follow BOTL Tom-ass write about his cigar reviews and other things on his mind....i figured that i might as well give it a shot and share with everyone all the events, changes, and of course cigars that happen in my young life