Friday, August 31, 2007

In response to UEFA Groups

Well Tom, looking at the the groups, its clear that Chelsea shouldn't have a hard time advancing from there group. Valencia and Schalke 04 come from the Spanish and German Leagues, respectively, and either one of those two can take the second spot to advance to the round stages. Rosenborg, a Norwegian football team, won there league title but are most likely going to end up as the bottom feeders in this group.

The group that I'm worried about is Group E, which I call "The Group of Death". Which features Barcelona, the team I am still taking to win this group but it will have it's hands full with the other competition. Others include, Olympique Lyonnais a.k.a. Lyon for short which has won the French Division 1 Title the past 7 years!!! Stuttgart, the winner of the German Bundesliga and Glasgow Rangers, runners up in the Scottish Premier League, 2nd to Celtic...heh.

And my opinion on Celtic is this, they have a great chance of advancing from Group D, if they can BEAT Benifca. A.C. Milan will be the group leader which means the last spot will be up for grabs. Benfica is a very good offensive team that will not stop from attacking and Shakhtar Donetsk, um.....maybe next year?... :D.

The follow is how I think the groups will play out... :)

*UEFA Champions Cup
**UEFA Cup

Group A
Group B
*Schalke 04
Group C
*Real Madrid
Werder Bremen
Group D
*AC Milan
Shakhtar Donetsk
Group E
Group F
*Manchester United
**Sporting Lisbon
Dynamo Kiev
Group G
*Inter Milan
*PSV Eindhoven
**CSKA Moscow
Group H...I will wait for the winner of the Sevilla/AEK Athens game until making a prediction.
Sevilla/AEK Athens
Steau Bucharest
Slavia Prague

Champions League Group Draw

Group A

Group B
Schalke 04

Group C

Real Madrid
Werder Bremen

Group D

AC Milan
Shakhtar Donetsk

Group E

Group F
Manchester United
Sporting Lisbon
Dynamo Kiev

Group G
Inter Milan
PSV Eindhoven
CSKA Moscow

Group H

Sevilla/AEK Athens
Steau Bucharest
Slavia Prague

What do you think of your teams chances jeebus? I was talking to some people who know way more about European Club Football than I, and they seem to think Celtic can get out of the group they are in in 2nd place (behind the powerhouse AC Milan). That seems exciting to me!

Your Opinions?


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ashton VSG Robusto

This is my second review of a VSG, you can read the first here

Size: 5 1/2 x 50 Robusto

Appearance: As usual this cigar is pretty damn good looking. The wrapper had no damages and no blemishes. It had a nice dark brown look to it....very nice.

Pre-light: Cutting this cigar was easy and the pre-light draw revealed a nice spicy tang that I simply love. I ran my nose along side of this cigar and it was more of the same, spicy goodness with a hint of leather.

Burn/Draw: The burn was never really in question aside from some rough patches in the beginning but like I said, not too serious. The draw was absolutely fabulous from start to finish, no drag and not too loose, PERFECT.

Flavors: At the start the cigar had a nice little spice with some leather hints to go along with it. But as the cigar got i little farther along (an inch in), the flavors got a hell of alot more abundant. The spiciness got more apparent and the leather hints combined with the spice, with some hints of wood. It also became the full bodied stogie that it is and it remained the full flavored VSG that has become a favorite among many many cigar smokers. I would love to smoke one of these again, absolutely great.

Monday, August 27, 2007

In response to "Inresponse to 'not soon enough'"

To My fellow beaner blog staff:

Why does all fandom have to be so hard? I mean look at me?

New England Revolution - 12W 5L 6T 42PTS First Place MLS Eastern Conference (Best Record in MLS)

Boston Red Sox - 80-51, First Place American League East (Best Record in MLB)

I mean, summertime and the ROOTIN' is EASY!


In response to "not soon enough"

Although the Galaxy are pretty much out of the MLS playoffs and the coach is mostly likely going to lose his job, you must keep rooting! And that goes for every team in every league (MLB, NBA, NFL, etc. etc)

It's your job as a TRUE fan

Not soon enough...

okay, i've had about enough with the galaxy. it seems they have forgotten how to win a game, and if they dont win this wednesday's superliga final against pachuca, im dropping them for the year. Still, "word on the street" is that frank yallop, the coach, is on his way out, and my boy Jurgen Klinsmann is on his way in. I hope that turns things around, so that we can just blow up the team, start anew next year with becks, donovan (maybe) and cobijones (hopefully). Next time, i'll rant on about the troubles with the atlanta braves and about the asswhooping team usa is putting on the americas in basketball...

Sunday, August 26, 2007


The Galaxy suffered yet another loss today at the hands of the Colorado Rapids. The final score was 3-0 and it puts another big dent into the playoff hopes of Los Galacticos, who are now about 13 points out of the final playoff spot.


Well, actually just alittle drops that lasted a total of 5 minutes but that's good for us in California considering it hasn't rained much this entire year. And now that I look out side, the sun is out and the temperature is rising again :(

Damn Global Warming

Saturday, August 25, 2007


(Mexican League)

Few actually know this but I am an avid Soccer Fan!!! Since I was a little boy, soccer has been a key part of my life and it's pretty much the only thing me and my dad have in common...aside from baseball (but that's a different post). The teams I mainly follow are my hometown Los Angeles Galaxy and Las Chivas de Guadalajara.

So there you have it, aside from being a baseball fan I am also a soccer nut (but that's expected because i'm a beaner)

and Chivas won today!!!!!!....woot!!!!


(Major Leauge Soccer, or MLS, Is Something We Agree On!)


Now, since I have some opinions regarding soccer as well I am gonna try to get Jeebus to write a joint post with me on his blog about the real football. At least once a week during the season. This week will be just a simple into and the teams we like, as thats whom we would most write about. I too follow an MLS team. I dont care theat the international community sees it as a feeder league, that makes me want to defend the native professional league that much more. I root for the New England Revolution, the team from the area I grew up (who also won tonight).

When it comes to Euro Soccer, my team of choice is Celtic FC of the Scottish Premier League (largely because our mutual friend of the blogosphere, Princesse, insisted I root for a scottish team, and i decided to take her seriously regarding it). I have not been rooting for the Bhoys long, but I am learning fast. Today they also managed to win handily (five to nil) to maitain their second place in the standings!

(The Scottish Premier Leauge)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stogie be Forgotten

I haven't been able to review any good cigars as of late because of my lack of time (filming, eating, ghost riding, etc. etc.)

But have no fear, I shall be smoking soon....all I need are some good cigars...;)

Busy Busy Busy

Well today is finally over, a long day to say the least but fun as always. I went to Hollywood today to film another segment of my film about the horrible train wreck that is my life....Film is almost done and will be released soon.

Also went to Universal Studios Hollywood and went on the Back to the Future ride (BTTF for short) for the last time, for those who don't know, the Back to the Future ride will be closing it's doors at the end of September and will give way to a Simpson's ride. But the lost of BTTF will effect me for years and years to come.

Also had an all you can eat day at Universal, basically you pay 25 bucks and you get to eat a bunch of crap and as many times you want.....and let me just say this....GO STARVING!!!!! Some how I managed to fit in 4 different restaurants with 8 different combinations of foods...YEESH to say the least.

So if you will excuse me...I need some down time with my friend Rick Springfield...LOL

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Baseball Pics

(I pulled the ball alittle too much)

(The next Chipper Jones)

(I still got it)

(Alittle off target....poor fence)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Baseball Part 2

Well overall yesterday was a good day, got some BP and some fielding practice in. But i did realize that i am very rusty, although i still have my good accuracy ;)

BP was fairly average, having not played in a baseball game since HS, my timing was off but nothing alittle more practice will regain. And i will say this, whom ever played catcher as a position in baseball, I TIP MY CAP!!!!! While my friend and business partner Captain Crash was pitching, I was catching. And although I only caught about 30 balls, I can safely say my knees are now feeling the burn ;)

Pictures soon to follow!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I just got back from the park, and i am sore!! It's been a while since i last played but i am tired. Not to mention i am nursing an injury (fastball to the arm)


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mistah Spahkul!!!!!!!!

OH YEAH!!!... :)


Tomorrow i will be my local park, or as Captain Crash has dubbed it "El Hoyo"..."The Hole".
Gonna play some soccer and have some baseball fielding practice....i guess it's time to break out my glove..."Old Reliable"

Ashton ESG 20 Year Salute

Size: 6.75 x 49 Churchill

Appearance: A great looking stogie, awesome construction. One of the best looking bands that i've ever seen on a cigar.

Pre-light: I cut this cigar using my Xicar cutter and it was a very clean cut. I took some pre-light draws, the cigar had some earthy spice to it with a small hint of wood. I ran my nose up and down the cigar, also the foot, and it revealed a deep earthy almost sweet scent on the wrapper.

Burn/Draw: The burn on the cigar was spot on through out and the draw was never a factor. Although it did start to go out but that was my fault as i was too busy talking to a friend.

Flavors: The first third of this cigar was filled with earthy flavor with a hint of spice, nothing too over powering. The majority of this cigar was like this with the spicy hints continuing to be more and more apparent. And with about 2 inch's left on the cigar, the earthy flavor gave way to the more spicy/cedar flavor. I kept smoking it though all the way until about 3/4 inch left!! IMO this cigar get alot better toward the last third or so, definitely one of a kind but nothing like a VSG. Full flavor but I would smoke a smaller size. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Partagas 898

First off thanks to Mike for this great stogie. I'm glad you didn't send me the PSD4

Size: 6 3/4 x 43

Appearance: An absolutely great looking cigar. Beautiful cap on it and the wrapper had that classic cuban color to it. There were no flaws in it, a perfect cigar.

Pre-light: I ran my nose by the wrapper, and the wrapper had a nice sweet smell to it almost creamy. Clipping the stogie was easy and the pre-light draw was great and revealed a nice tangy-sweet taste....very nice.

Draw/Burn: The draw was great all the way through the cigar, and the volume of smoke was bigger and bigger as the cigar progressed. The burn was a little iffy, but nothing too serious.

Flavors: In the beginning, the cigar had a very smooth creamy flavor to it. The typical cuban flavor that i have started to grow more and more familiar with each one i smoke. Toward the middle and end of this cigar, it started to pick up some steam. I had a spicy pepper flavor but it wasn't overpowering, just enough to let me know it was there. And even with the pepper flavor, it still had the hint of creaminess in it. A real treat.